As part of a plan for a future Great War Spearhead 2 scenario I have been working on some Verdun style forts.

Although Timecast now do a Verdun style fort I wanted something a bit more individual and bespoke, as each fort at Verdun had its own unique layout. Most of the action involving forts centred on four of the main ones; Douaumont, Vaux, Tavannes and Souvilles; so I have used these as the main source material for my ones. As usual with wargaming there is a compromise between ground scale and figure scale, so these should be regarded as representative of, rather than exact copies of, the forts in question. Their appearance changed radically over the course of the battle as they received quite a pummelling, mine attempt to represent somewhere in the early to mid phase of the epic confrontation.

Fort de Tavannes

Fort de Tavannes

Fort de Tavannes

Fort de Tavannes

Fort de Souville

Fort de Souville

Fort de Souville

Fort de Souville

Fort de Vaux

Fort de Vaux

Fort de Vaux

Fort de Vaux

Fort de Douaumont 

Fort de Douaumont

Fort de Douaumont

Fort de Douaumont

Fort de Douaumont with 6mm French command figures for comparison


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